In order to comply with the new USP <800> ruling for hazardous waste handling, it’s critical to maintain quality control standards when it comes to the environment you’re working in.  With the deadline of the new USP <800> ruling for hazardous waste compliance drawing near, you and your staff should prepare your facility accordingly.

Environmental wipe sampling for HD surface residue should be performed routinely every 6 months on:

  • Interior of the containment primary engineering controls (C-PEC)
  • Pass-through chambers
  • Staging or work areas
  • Areas near C-PEC

Before each use, wipe sampling kits should be verified that the methods and reagents recover a specific percentage of known marker drugs from various surface types found in the areas.

If contamination is found it’s imperative to follow proper protocol which includes:

  • Identifying the substance
  • Documenting the cause
  • Containing the contamination
  • Deactivating, decontaminating and cleaning
  • Reevaluating practices and procedures
  • Improving engineering controls

Following these guidelines will help you to remain compliant with USP <800> guidelines and will help keep you and your staff safe.

For more information on how to remain compliant, check out our series of blogs on the USP General Chapter <800> on our website.  You can also download our free handbook.