Changing from another vendor to Pharma Logistics is easy and seamless. Choose the returns service that’s best for your closed door pharmacy. Both services are available using either our Rapid Credit Program or our traditional credit program.
Box and Ship
Simply file your DEA 222 forms and pack your unused or expired pharmaceuticals in a box and ship them to us—we’ll take it from there. We provide you with:
Free up your staff to focus on your customers by using our onsite return services. Our local, bonded Field Service Representatives will come to your pharmacy on your schedule to:
Stop worrying about your returns. With our Client Portal, you can easily and quickly check returns and disposal statuses. The portal provides:
Our Drug-Take Back Program ensures your customers have a convenient way to properly dispose of over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs and controlled prescription drugs. Disposal also helps to prevent prescription drug abuse, accidental poisoning and environmental hazards such as water contamination.
Reduce the burden of pharmaceutical logistics and accompanying paperwork by taking advantage of Pharma Logistics’ 3rd-party drug inventory services. Together, with our partner inventory providers, we will customize a pharmaceutical returns inventory program that best fills your needs.
You can pay using credits from your returns, so your budget is never affected. We simply deduct service fees from your credits, so you don’t have to deal with invoices. You can track every transaction 24/7 via our real-time Client Portal.